Eco-Razor x FOCUS Single Edge Safety Razor - Stainless Steel By Ubersuave
*not adjusted for public holidays

Eco-Razor x FOCUS Dynamic Single Edge Safety Razor
Made Entirely Of Stainless Steel, With High Precision Machines
Built with high-quality stainless steel. All the parts of the razor and the hook are worked and treated to obtain the maximum precision; this is for the thicknesses as well as for the various cutting angles, made almost perfectly.

Features Of Eco-Razor x FOCUS Single Edge Safety Razor
Made Using High Precision Machinery
The handle is made from a round full of stainless steel by high precision machinery, it is worked to obtain recesses that make the razor’s handle comfortable.
The fixing of the razor head to the handle is guaranteed by a stainless steel pin which, with the aid of a tensioning spring, allows the razor head to be kept in the 25 ° position and during shaving it adapts to the shape of the face with one gentle and precise sliding.
Fixing Of Eco-Razor x FOCUS Single Edge Safety Razor
For A Correct Fixing:
it is recommended the use single-edge blades (broken in half from a double-edge razor blade).
This creates in the breaking zone a slight curvature of the ends, which, once resting on the base of the head of the razor, creates a very light pressure during the insertion of the moving head.
A desired and indispensable spring effect for precise tightening and correct positioning of the razor blade.

It is strongly recommended to properly wash the razor well after use, removing soap residues and allowing it to dry properly.
Made entirely in stainless steel, with high precision machines by material removal.