No Shave November

No Shave November SGPomades Discover Joy in Self Care


It isn’t just about not shaving this November

Have you ever wondered about the compelling history behind the widely embraced No Shave November and Movember movements? These campaigns, rooted in a passion for men's health, have evolved into powerful tools for raising awareness and creating a sense of unity among men worldwide. Let's explore the fascinating origins and profound significance behind these movements that go beyond facial hair growth.

Movember: Embracing the Power of the Mustache

More than a decade ago, Movember began in Australia as a challenge for men to grow mustaches for a month, raising funds and awareness for men's health issues. Today, this initiative has transformed into a global movement dedicated to men's mental health, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. The mission? To reduce premature deaths by 25% before 2030. Movember has become a beacon of hope, raising millions annually to support research, education, and prevention efforts, creating a lasting impact on men's lives.

No-Shave November: Growing a Difference

Founded in 2009, No-Shave November urges participants to embrace their facial hair for a month, raising funds for cancer research and prevention. At SGPomades, we believe this movement goes beyond hair growth. It’s an opportunity to foster conversations about both physical and mental health, encouraging everyone to prioritize self-care.

Regular Monthly Self-Checks

Testicular cancer is the second most common cancer in young men (aged 20 to 39). However, testicular cancer is one of the most curable cancers if detected early. This is why regular self-checking is so important.

Best time to do it? Right after a warm bath or shower when everything is relaxed. It takes just a few minutes. To start:

1) Get to know your boys: Roll each testicle gently but firmly between your thumb and fingers, feeling the entire surface. The firmness of the testis should be consistent all around. Don’t worry, it's normal for one testis to be slightly larger than the other.

2) Meet the neighbors: Feel for the soft tube-like structures, the epididymis and vas deferens, right above and behind the testicle. Just become familiar with how these cords feel.

3) Keep an eye out: Watch for any lumps, swelling, or changes. Even if they don't hurt, lumps aren't normal. And remember, pain isn't normal either.

4) Trust your instincts: If something doesn’t feel right, don't hesitate – talk to your doctor. It might be nothing, but catching any issues early is key. And hey, if you have any questions or concerns, your urologist is there to help.

Don't be afraid of the Doctor

Don't hesitate to visit the doctor regularly, regardless of your age. Medical check-ups are essential for maintaining good health and catching potential issues early.

Check in with your bros

Reach out to your friends and share about the No Shave November cause. Spark meaningful conversations and create a powerful support system. Men need emotional support too.

Practice Self-Care

Prioritize your physical and mental well-being. If you're not looking out for yourself, who will? Begin by taking care of your skin, exploring a new sport, and ensuring you get good sleep. The difference you'll feel is bound to be remarkable.

This month of November, SGPomades is having a discount for all Beard & Mustache Care products. Click here for more details.

Remember, No Shave November is more than just a month of beard growth; it's a month of health awareness, self-care, and support. Let's embark on this journey together and make a difference in our lives and the lives of others.

To help you kickstart your self-care journey, we've handpicked some products you might find appealing:

Bayrum Beard Oil by Grave Before Shave
Bayrum Beard Oil by Grave Before Shave
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Le Eiffel Bee & Soy Wax Candle by Analogue Apotik
Le Eiffel Bee & Soy Wax Candle by Analogue Apotik
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SHARECO - Eau de Parfum (EDP) 100ml
SHARECO - Eau de Parfum (EDP) 100ml
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Lumin Weekly Reboot Face Mask With Beard Friendly Option
Lumin Weekly Reboot Face Mask With Beard Friendly Option
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Lumin Charcoal Scrub Deep Detox
Lumin Charcoal Scrub Deep Detox
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Ubersuave Eco-Razor Essential Shaving Set
Ubersuave Eco-Razor Essential Shaving Set
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